In Hospital

Playroom and Ward re-decoration and improvement
Bringing fun, hope and relief to the lives of children in hospital
We support underfunded children's wards in the UK, making the lives of the children less painful and scary, helping alleviate mental health issues and improving the chances of the treatment outcomes.
We help by providing:
- Essential pain reducing equipment usually unavailable
- Entertainment equipment - TVs, games Consoles and Game Carts, Tablets, Wifi, Netflix subscriptions per ward, games, puzzles and toys
- Sensory, Craft and educational equipment, games and supplies
- Transform food choices and service
- Re-decorate and improve wards environment and equipment
Every ward is different
No two wards are the same, so we always tailor what we do to the specific needs of the ward. Some need portable Game Carts, a high quality stand with wheels that means a games console and TV can be moved to any room or space on the ward. This enables children who would not normally be able to go to the playrooms access to enjoy what most kids love - computer games!
Some wards need their playrooms re-decorated and the toys and games replaced.
Some wards need painting, others sofa beds so parents can sleep and be able to look after their child. Parents live on the ward with their children so this is a crucial, if often overlooked issue. No one wants a cranky parent!

Game Cart - portable games console and TV
How you can help
If you want to get involved with our At Home Service then there are a number of ways to do this.
- Donate - a one off or a recurring donation. This directly funds our Care Co-Ordinators and the equipment and support the child and family gets
- Become a Partner. Many businesses have services or skills that would help the At Home Service.
- Networking - Businesses are a key part of tour community and networking helps us buold connections in the community and helps the individual company too.
- Join our Events to fundraise. The Get Involved page, - has the details of all our upcoming events from Annual Dinners, walks in the countryside, Runs, Marathons, Ironmans, Tough Mudders and more! You can set up your own if none of these work for you.